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Reserves Trading Assigned Pairings, Not Standby Periods

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MEC Reserve Committee

Once a Reserve has been assigned a pairing, Sections 8.J.2 & 3. of our JCBA provide she/he shall have the ability to trade with another Flight Attendant for a different pairing or for days off.

Reserve Trading for a Different Pairing


When a Reserve trades an assigned pairing with another Flight Attendant (Reserve or Lineholder) for a different pairing:

1.    The pairings must be of the same number of days;

2.    The pairings must depart on the same day; and

3.    When a Reserve is trading with a Lineholder, the credit time of the pairing traded cannot differ by more than two (2) hours. If the Reserve picks up additional time in this case, she/he will be considered to have opted to over one hundred and five (105) hours ("unlimited") for the applicable month. 

NOTE: There is no credit time difference limitation or opting required when a Reserve is trading with another Reserve.

Reserve Trading for Days Off


When a Reserve trades an assigned pairing with another Flight Attendant (Lineholder or Reserve on days off) in exchange for days off:


1.    The Reserve guarantee will be reduced by the value of each availability day vacated when the trip is dropped (4:20 or 4:07 based on a 30- or 31-day month, respectively). 

2.    If a multi-day trip is dropped under this provision, the Reserve may subsequently contact Crew Scheduling to request restoration of both Reserve days and guarantee for all days of the vacated pairing, except for the first day. 

Other important points:

  • These provisions apply specifically to assigned pairings. There is no provision in the Agreement that provide the ability to trade assigned Standby positions
  • As provided in Section 7.I.5., a trade between two Flight Attendants must be made in the computer up to four hours (4:00) prior to check-in of the earliest trip involved in the trade.

If you have additional questions, please contact your Local Council.