
Restoration of Reserve Days of Availability - 16 Day Off Reserve Lines

Written by Admin | Mar 19, 2021 5:00:00 AM

Flight Attendants awarded a Reserve line for April 2021 having more than the minimum number of days off can request to restore one or more of the predesignated days of availability, indicated by a “+” in the bid packet.

Contract Section 8.I.1.l. provides Reserve Flight Attendants with the ability to restore days of availability, without regard to whether or not they originally bid for the line.

Restored days will also come with a corresponding increase to the Reserve minimum guarantee, up to a maximum of 78:00.

Reserve restoration of day if availability requests for April 2021 must be submitted by 2359 HDT on March 28, 2021.  To further review the restoration of reserve day availability, please see our FAQ document for additional details.