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Return to Work Process for Reasonable Accommodations – Continued…

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MAR 18 - We know the information packet sent to you does not address a number of your concerns and we want you to know that AFA continues to advocate for the company to provide answers as quickly as coordination can be worked out. 

This past Tuesday, we provided an update to United’s recent decision to return front line employees who were granted a vaccination Reasonable Accommodation. 

We continue to understand there are a number of questions and concerns that have yet to be fully addressed by management. In our discussions with management, we have been made aware that a number of steps are being taken to address several of your concerns. It is important to understand that your return to work will be governed by the Return to Work process outlined by management. 

We know the information packet sent to you does not address a number of your concerns and we want you to know that AFA continues to advocate for the company to provide answers as quickly as coordination can be worked out. The following information is in some form of development as of this writing:

Health & Wellness Benefits will resume at active rates on a pre-tax basis via payroll deduction as of April 1, 2022.  If, while you were on leave, you were paying the premiums via direct bill and pay and you have already paid your April premium (March 10th payment), once your payroll deduction is processed for the April month, you will receive a refund of the direct bill and pay amount via the same method by which it was paid – either a check or a refund back to the account from which an automatic payment was deducted.

Trimester Computer Based Training Exclusive Due Dates for PLOA/MLOA returning from RAP

  • Winter Trimester – Due 28May22
  • Spring Trimester – Due 28Jun22


Inflight Qualifications is working with Takeoff Learning to get you registered for the CBTs.  It is anticipated that you should be registered by the end of this month.

Restoration of Travel Privileges:
We look forward to receiving a confirmation from management that travel privileges will be restored prior to the March 28, 2022 return date and we have requested that travel be available by Friday, March 25, 2022 to allow anyone who picks up a trip during the last couple of days of the March schedule month to be in position to fly those pairings.