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Return to Work Process for Reasonable Accommodations – Welcome Back

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MAR 15 - Given United’s recent decision to return front line employees who were granted a vaccination Reasonable Accommodation, we understand there are a number of questions and concerns that have yet to be fully addressed by management.

Given United’s recent decision to return front line employees who were granted a vaccination Reasonable Accommodation, we understand there are a number of questions and concerns that have yet to be fully addressed by management.  In our discussions with management, we have been made aware that a number of steps are being taken to address several of your concerns. It is important to understand that your return to work will be governed by the Return to Work process outlined by management. 

We know the information packet sent to you does not address a number of your concerns and we want you to know that AFA has been advocating for the company to provide answers as quickly as logistics can be worked out.  The following information is in some form of development as of this writing.


Flight Attendants who are qualified and need only complete the Winter and Spring CBTs will be considered qualified and will be provided with a dedicated timeline by which they must complete the CBTs.  If the CBTs are the only items required, Flight Attendants are eligible to return and should submit a bid for their April schedule.

Those Flight Attendants who need RQ will not have these CBTs uploaded into their training profiles in order to ensure they are not doing duplicate work. CBTs will be uploaded when they are assigned a RQ class.

Inflight Training is currently working with Takeoff Learning to load the CBTs into your training profile.  This work is expected to be completed before month’s end.

If March is your CQ “grace” month, we are being told that Training Scheduling is working to make it possible for you to attend training in March a priority based on seat availability. Work is currently underway to put together all of the necessary logistics for hotel rooms and training at those Training Centers where additional training can be scheduled.  Your patience is appreciated while this work is ongoing.

Health & Wellness Benefits

Health and Wellness Benefits will be reinstated as of the first day of April on a pre-tax basis and at active rates.   We are seeking clarity on which benefits will be restored; that is, those in effect prior to going on the LOA or those elected during Annual Open Enrollment, if applicable. If you have additional questions, please call the UABC at 1 800 651 1007.


AFA is advocating for the reinstatement of travel privileges prior to March 28, 2022 in order to ensure people are able to commute for any trips picked up at the end of March.

We understand questions abound and we want to reassure you that we continue to seek understanding and answers from management on these and a number of other subjects.

Please contact your Local Council if you have questions and we will work together to get those answers for you.