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Safety, Health & Security Committee Annual Report

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JAN 19 - This week at our Winter 2023 Regular MEC Meeting, our MEC Safety, Health & Security Committee presented their annual report updating the United Master Executive Council on their work over the past year. During their report it was emphasized that safety is the foundation of every decision we make and every action we take as safety professionals. 

This week at our Winter 2023 Regular MEC Meeting, our MEC Safety, Health & Security Committee presented their annual report updating the United Master Executive Council on their work over the past year. During their report it was emphasized that safety is the foundation of every decision we make and every action we take as safety professionals. 

Our comprehensive annual and ongoing safety training programs highlight the importance of situational awareness, paying attention to details, following standard operating procedures (SOPs), and reporting concerns through appropriate channels in keeping us and the passengers in our care safe.

The Committee noted that security is a deeply ingrained aspect of our culture and experience has shown that reminders to all of us have proven to be helpful in reinforcing the value this highlighted attention to this subject has on our overall safety and security.

For example, we are all acutely aware any number of issues compete for our attention before, during and after the boarding process. Nonetheless, during these times we need to remain alert to the presence of unauthorized items in the cabin, as well as being aware of to prevent any unauthorized person from gaining access to secured areas, including the aircraft. Due to the obvious sensitivity of this subject and the need to keep our procedures secure, we won’t review those here. However, should we find ourselves in any situation where we become aware of attempts to breech security or find suspicious items in the cabin, we are all obligated to follow the Standard Operating Procedures found in our eFAOM and take the appropriate actions.

The Committee provided a number of updates on Flight Attendant reporting programs to include Inflight Safety Action Program (ISAP), Fatigue and Irregular Operations Reports (IOR). This included an overview of the influx of reports being received, reviewed and processed with the involvement of the Safety, Health & Security Committee members. Part of this reporting highlighted improvements that have been made a result of these Flight Attendant reporting initiatives.

For more information, please contact your AFA Local Council Safety, Health, and Security Committee.