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Security Directive for Mask Use Extended by TSA

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MAR 11 - The Transportation Security Agency (TSA) has extended the security directive for mask use on public transportation and at transportation hubs for one additional month, now through April 18th. 


The Transportation Security Agency (TSA) has extended the security directive for mask use on public transportation and at transportation hubs for one additional month, now through April 18th.   The TSA indicates that during this time, the Center for Disease Contract (CDC) will work with government agencies to help inform on the development of a revised policy framework to determine when and under what circumstances, masks should be required in a public transportation corridor. This revised framework will be based on the COVID-19 community levels, risk of new variants, national data, and the latest science.


In communication with our Members, we are hearing any number of opinions on the subject.  Some Flight Attendants would like to see the mask mandate extended while others have adamantly expressed their objection to any further extension.  It is important that everyone is aware that we hear the opinions being expressed.


It is for this reason, AFA did not take a position on the security directive.  Instead, AFA communications focused on accurate information and stressed the importance of remaining calm in the cabin. As long as the federal rules are in place Flight Attendants are charged with managing all safety measures on the plane.   AFA continues to advise the public of the role of Flight Attendants as the best way to ensure the public is not focusing any frustration on the crew, as Flight Attendants fulfill their safety obligations on the aircraft.  AFA’s focus is to back up Flight Attendants who are simply doing their job.  We will continue to remain engaged and informed on these issues as the best way to ensure Flight Attendants are fully supported while fulfilling their obligations under the law.