
Semi-Annual System Seniority List

Written by Admin | Aug 4, 2022 5:00:00 AM
AUG 04 - Flight Attendants have the ability to dispute any error or omission affecting their seniority.

The Semi-Annual System Seniority List, which is developed with information collected as of July 1st, was published during the last week of July.    As provided in our Contract under Section 14.C., this list shall be made available at all stations where Flight Attendants are based for their review as well as online in Flying Together under My Work>Crew Planning, Scheduling, and Administration>Crew Planning>Semi-Annual System Seniority List.

Consistent with the terms of the Contract, to ensure all Flight Attendants have the ability to dispute any error or omission affecting their seniority, Flight Attendants have a maximum of 30 calendar days to dispute any alleged omission or error that affects seniority from the date notice is provided that the list is available.  Notice that the list is available was published on August 03, 2022.

If you believe there is an error or omission that affects your seniority, please contact the Office of the United MEC Secretary Treasurer immediately by e-mail to  

Additional information is available in our Contract under Section 14 and on our website at