
Semi-Annual System Seniority List Published July 25, 2019

Written by Admin | Jul 24, 2019 5:00:00 AM
The Semi-Annual System Seniority List was released as of July 25, 2019. As provided under Section 14.C. of our Contract, the list shall be made available at all stations where Flight Attendants are domiciled for review.

The Semi-Annual System Seniority List was released as of July 25, 2019. As provided under Section 14.C. of our Contract, the list shall be made available at all stations where Flight Attendants are domiciled for review.

If you believe that there is an error or omission that affects your seniority you should contact your Local Council representative immediately. Flight Attendants have thirty (30) calendar days from July 25, 2019 to dispute any alleged omission or error that affects your seniority. 

The exceptions to the 30-day rule are as follows:

  • Flight Attendants on vacation at the time of the posting
  • Flight Attendants on Leave of Absence at the time of the posting
  • Flight Attendants on furlough at the time of the posting
  • Flight Attendants on sick leave at the time of the posting

In these situations, Flight Attendants have thirty (30) days after returning to flight duty to report the discrepancy.