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Semi-annual System Seniority List Review Deadline - February 16, 2019

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The January 2019 System Seniority List has been published for review by Flight Attendants.   Flight Attendants are provided a period of thirty (30) days to protest any alleged error or omission affecting their seniority. 

JCBA Section 14.C.

The January 2019 System Seniority List has been published for review by Flight Attendants. Flight Attendants are provided a period of thirty (30) days to protest any alleged error or omission affecting their seniority. The semi-annual list was posted as of January 17, 2019. The only exceptions to the 30-day timeline to register these objections are:


·      Flight Attendants on vacation at the time of the posting

·      Flight Attendants on Leave of Absence at the time of the posting

·      Flight Attendants on furlough at the time of posting

·      Flight Attendants on sick leave at the time of posting

In those situations, the Flight Attendant must report discrepancies no more than thirty (30) days after returning to flight duty.

Access the new list go to Flying Together > My Work > Crew Scheduling > Semi-Annual Seniority List.