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Sick Calls Related to COVID-19

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DEC 21 - As a reminder, Flight Attendants who call out sick due to a positive Covid-19 test are protected under our Letter of Agreement (LOA) with the company.

As a reminder, Flight Attendants who call out sick due to a positive Covid-19 test are protected under our Letter of Agreement (LOA) with the company.


In the event you test positive for Covid you should:


1.     Place yourself on sick leave either by calling FAST or via CCS

2.     Submit Proof of your positive Covid test to Help Hub


When on sick leave due to a positive Covid test the Flight Attendants will be compensated for their trip and any attendance points associated with that sick leave will be removed.


In the event you have submitted your documentation to Help Hub and still have points on your work records, contact Help Hub to verify your positive test result was successfully uploaded so they can remove the points.