
Sick Leave Administration and Compensation

Written by Admin | Jun 21, 2019 5:00:00 AM
Sick Leave Compensation is an area of our JCBA that both Lineholder and Reserve Flight Attendants continue to ask for clarification.

Sick Leave Compensation is an area of our JCBA that both Lineholder and Reserve Flight Attendants continue to ask for clarification.

Section 13.D. of our JCBA provides the contractual language for sick leave pay for both Lineholder and Reserve Flight Attendants. The chart below defines the compensation parameters set forth on our Contract. 

Lineholder – Section 13.D.4

Reserve – Section 13.D.5

A Lineholder on sick leave, shall be credited sick leave from her/his bank only up to the number of scheduled flight time hours missed.



When a Reserve goes on sick leave and she/he has not yet been assigned, or if she/he has been assigned but goes on sick leave prior to check-in, she/he shall be credited with the value of a reserve day. When a Reserve goes on sick leave after check-in, she/he shall be credited sick leave from her/his bank only up to the number of scheduled time hours missed.


When a Reserve calls out sick prior to an assigned trip or for a day they are on the reserve schedule but not assigned, they are compensated based on the Reserve Guarantee. The contractual language ofSection 4.O.1defines Reserve daily compensation in a 30-day month as four hours and twenty minutes (4:20) and in a 31-day month each Reserve day is paid at 4:07.




When a Flight Attendant is on sick leave for an entire month, she/he shall have the option of receiving sick leave pay for her/his projection that month, one-hundred (100) hours, or seventy-one (71) hour minimum, to the extent that she/he has sick leave accrued in her/his sick leave bank. 

While out on any type of leave it is good practice to review your pay throughout the month to ensure your sick time compensation is being properly applied. Being proactive allows time for corrections to be made should an error be identified.

For additional questions regarding sick leave compensation contact your Local Council.