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Solidarity in San Francisco

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SFO is seeing RED! While in San Francisco, the United MEC, MEC Officers and MEC Negotiating Committee conducted a terminal walk to meet and engage with Flight Attendants.

During the outreach, the Local Council Presidents in attendance spoke with dozens of Members on issues related to Negotiations. They shared the L.O.V.E. Letters Campaign cards, added dozens of Members cards to the delivery list, and provided Flight Attendants with RED lanyards and RED AFA pins.

Solidarity was stronger than ever in SFO with Flight Attendants decked out in RED AFA gear. We hear you, and Management can hear you LOUD and CLEAR. United Flight Attendants are ready for a CONTRACT NOW!

Keep your solidarity strong and bring your Contract NOW energy to the informational picket line on February 13th!

Together we will make this the year of the industry-leading Contract for all Flight Attendants.