
2025 – Employee Dependent (Spousal) Verification Process

Written by Admin | Feb 27, 2025 3:51:14 PM

MEC Benefits Committee


As United has done in prior years, as part of a corporate effort to protect the integrity of our negotiated benefits programs, 2025 is the year in which the Health & Wellness group has kicked off a dependent reverification process for all United employees except the pilot group as their reverification process occurred in 2024. To be clear, dependent children are not included in this year’s reverification process.


Dependent Eligibility Verification is specific to medical coverage, and a response to this request for information is required to maintain coverage for your dependent/spouse.  As a point of further clarification, if your spouse has only dental, vision or any combination of those two coverages, you will not receive a request to verify eligibility.

The process will be specific to spouse or partners which include:

  • Legal Spouse
  • Domestic Partner
  • Common Law Spouse
  • Civil Union Partner

Documents that can be used to reverify the eligibility of the spouse for benefits include:

  • Federal tax return issued within the last 2 Years listing spouse OR proof of financial partnership (POFP*) issued within the last 3 months, including:
    • credit card statements.
    • mortgage statements. 
    • bank statements.
    • current rental/lease agreements (including start and end dates and cannot be month to month) or property tax statements with both parties’ names as co-owners.
    • Proof of Financial Partnership includes separate documents in the participant's name and spouse or partner's name, both showing the same address.


*Proof of Financial Partnership cannot be delinquent or past due. Tax returns only need to be the first page that shows the dependent. 


The program's kick-off date was February 4, 2025, by e-mail to the employee’s preferred e-mail address on file with United and the Benefits Service Center. The scheduled deadline for completing the verification process is March 20, 2025.  During the intervening period, employees who have not responded to the initial e-mail request for information will receive additional communication via e-mail and mailings to their address of record via US Mail.   (Once you’ve completed the process, email and mail communication will cease.)

Questions on the process should be directed to the Benefits Service Center at 800-651-1007.