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Submitting Multiple Help Hub Cases & Timing These Requests

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JUN 28 - While we know it is frustrating to navigate some of these more complex processes, knowing the right time and format by which to generate an inquiry will only help us get those issues resolved with the least amount of waiting as is possible.

Understanding that we share significant frustration in getting responses to any number of transactions that need to be completed after contacting the company, we continue to find ways to reduce call volumes and to expedite the processing of many of these transactions.  During our discussions, we are learning that there is one area where our directed efforts can actually expedite processing.  Crew Pay has advised us that submitting multiple requests for service via Help Hub will not expedite the processing of the request, including pay claims. 


In addition, as Flight Attendants who often anticipate not only the needs of our passengers, but we also anticipate our own needs when we see irregularities impacting our pairings.  Crew Pay has asked us to communicate, as well-intentioned as some of these requests may be, they cannot update or make changes to pairings that are still in motion.  Their recommendation is for us to wait until the pairings have been completed and then to check our Pay Register as many of the issues we anticipate can and will be fixed by automation that is in place. If after completion of the pairing and a review our Pay Register, we still do not see the pay we anticipate, only then should we generate a single request to Help Hub for assistance.


While we know it is frustrating to navigate some of these more complex processes, knowing the right time and format by which to generate an inquiry will only help us get those issues resolved with the least amount of waiting as is possible.