
Supporting in Pride Month

Written by Admin | Jun 15, 2023 5:00:00 AM
As members of our Union, we stand united in advocating for the rights of all individuals, working towards a more inclusive workplace and Flight Attendant community. The colors on the Pride flag are a visual representation of the spectrum of diversity that exists within AFA. Together, we are stronger, and we stand as one in recognizing that our diversity is what makes us better.

In June, we acknowledge the significance of Pride Month and emphasize the importance of understanding the diverse spectrum within our LGBTQ+ Union family, community, and friends.

June is a month where we come together to celebrate our diversity with PRIDE, embracing our LGBTQ+ brothers, sisters, and family members. It serves as a powerful reminder of the love and support we share and symbolizes our collective resilience.

Let us remember the Stonewall riots in 1969, which paved the way for the first gay pride parade in 1970. Since then, PRIDE Month has become a platform to advocate for equality, inclusion, and visibility, fighting for the rights and opportunities that should be available to all.

The acronym for the LGBTQ+ community continues to evolve, reflecting the growing diversity within our community. While there are ongoing debates about which letters should be included in acronyms and which colors should be included on the Pride flag, these discussions point out the challenges in representing the diversity that exists in using a single term. What we can do is celebrate each other and embrace our differences in recognizing this diversity.

In 2023, we have seen many fierce leaders emerge within the LGBTQ+ community. However, the need for more advocates has never been greater. The battle for equality still persists, even within the United States, particularly in places like Tennessee and Florida. Despite the advances that have been made in recent years, the global situation for LGBTQ+ people has experienced dangerous setbacks.

As members of our Union, we stand united in advocating for the rights of all individuals, working towards a more inclusive workplace and Flight Attendant community. The colors on the Pride flag are a visual representation of the spectrum of diversity that exists within AFA. Together, we are stronger, and we stand as one in recognizing that our diversity is what makes us better.

During Pride month, let us remember that despite the trials and tribulations our community has faced, we remain resilient and stronger than ever. Now is the time for us to come together and strive towards a brighter future.

To commemorate this special month, we encourage you to proudly wear the AFA Pride Pin as an outward sign of our diversity. If you don't have one yet, please reach out to your Local Council office, and they will assist you in obtaining one.


We stand proud. We embrace diversity. We are AFA!