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Trades Involving International Pursers

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Active International Pursers who have been awarded International Purser pairings may pick up and trade for open International Purser and non-International Purser open time, subject to the terms of Sections 7.I, 7.J. and 7.K. of the JCBA.

Active International Pursers who have been awarded International Purser pairings may pick up and trade for open International Purser and non-International Purser open time, subject to the terms of Sections 7.I, 7.J. and 7.K. of the JCBA. An International Purser will be expected to have a minimum fifty (50) hours of flying (twenty (20) for job shares, partnerships and half month leaves) as an International Purser, at their assigned base, at the end of the bid month if they have traded or picked up from open time other than International Purser open time during the month. 

1.    International Pursers cannot drop International Purser trips to anyone who is not qualified as an International Purser. 

2.    International Pursers can pick up a trip from another Flight Attendant in their base as long as they have whatever qualifications may be needed. 

3.    Less than 14:00 hours prior to departure International Pursers can pick up open time in any base regardless of qualifications. 

4.    Less than 14:00 hours prior to departure International Pursers can pick up advertised trips in any base as long as they have the qualifications which may be needed for the flying they are picking up. 

If an International Purser picks up a non-qualified trip they will be paid the Flight Attendant rate.