JCBA Section 7.I.11.
Very often we receive questions regarding the trading pairings that carryover or “overlap” from one month to the next. Processing of trades involving carryover pairings is provided for in Section 7.I.11. of our Contract.
Trip trade requests must be for trips originating in the same bid month. It is not acceptable to trade trips that start in different months. That is, month to month trades are not provided for under the terms of our Contract.
As an example, a pairing that originates in July, cannot be traded with a pairing in open time that originates anytime during the August schedule month.
However, trades involving the carryover pairing with any open time pairings that originate in the same schedule month are permitted. For example, a four day pairing that originates on the 29th of the month, can be traded with open time for a pairing having an equal number of days originating anytime during the old month. For example, in the following example, pairing 6103/29JUL
Carry over pairing:
29 |
30 |
31 |
01 |
02 |
6103 |
- |
- |
- |
This four-day carryover pairing can be traded “forward” into the old month with any four-day pairing originating in the old month, in this case, with pairing 6202/26JUL:
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
1 |
2 |
6202 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
The impact of this trade is that time from the first two days of the new month is carried into the old month. The old month guarantee increases and the new month guarantee decreases as the time is carried forward.
Alternatively, you may trade your four-day pairing for a combination of pairings originating in the old schedule month and that “cover” the same days as the four-day pairing. For example,
Pairing 6103/29JUL
29 |
30 |
31 |
01 |
02 |
6103 |
- |
- |
- |
May be traded for a one-day & a three-day pairing, both of which originate in the old month, 6202/29JUL and 6299/30JUL provided there is sufficient Reserve coverage on the day(s) that are being traded out of.
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
1 |
2 |
6202 |
6299 |
- |
- |
Additionally, you may also trade a pairing of the same duration, (i.e. a three-day for a three-day) covering any of the same days as the original pairing provided there is sufficient Reserve coverage on the day(s) that are being traded out of.
It is also important to understand that our Contract provides us with the ability to trade an 18-block hour four-day pairing for a 3-day, 15 block hour trip. Trading down with open time for a pairing a fewer days (i.e. 4-day to 3-day) is permitted provided the block value is within three block hours of the value of the pairing we wish to trade. (These trades are based on block hours, not credit hours.) This ability was negotiated to facilitate these types of trades.
NOTE: Once open time trading for the new month begins, we can then attempt to trade out of days that touch the new month.
The trades depicted above are examples and are not intended to be the only trades possible. All Open Time trading provisions are detailed in Sections 7.I. through 7.N. Also, refer to the Trip Trades & Adjustments Guide.