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Transfers and Vacation

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OCT 20 - As the opening date for First Round Vacation Bidding approaches, a review of the rules affecting how vacation awards for transferring Flight Attendants will be awarded is in order.

As the opening date for First Round Vacation Bidding approaches, a review of the rules affecting how vacation awards for transferring Flight Attendants will be awarded is in order.

Keep in mind, the vacation award system is programmed to consider your base location as of January 1 of the following year; in this case, 2023.  Flight Attendants who have recently been awarded transfers having November and December report dates should be aware of this. 

When reviewing the vacation allocations prior to submitting your vacation bids, the bid software will automatically default and display the allocations at your current base location, not your (new) base location as of January 1.  Everyone, however, has the ability in the vacation bid program to view the allocations of the other bases. 

For vacation bidding planning purposes for those Flight Attendants who will be transferring in November or December, be sure you are looking at the vacation allocation at your new base location.  It cannot be emphasized strongly enough, regardless of the allocation you are viewing; your vacation award will be made based on the allocations and your seniority at your (new) base location as of January 1, 2023.

In the same way, vacation trades based on seniority which occur on November 30, 2022, will be processed from the allocations at the Flight Attendant’s new base.

It should also be noted that transferring Flight Attendants will only be permitted to trade vacations with Flight Attendants at their new base when Instant Vacation Trading resumes on December 5, 2022.

Transfers in 2023

It should be noted, vacations for Flight Attendants transferring in 2023 will follow them to their newly awarded bases. Once Flight Attendants accept their transfer, any vacation trades will occur based on the new base and vacation trades between Flight Attendants will be restricted to those at the new base location.

Buddy Bidding involving Transferring Flight Attendants

Buddy bids will be evaluated and awarded based on the base locations of the Flight Attendants involved as of January 1, 2023.  As an example, a Flight Attendant currently based in ORD who is transferring to IAD for the December 2022 schedule month will be considered a IAD Flight Attendant in the vacation award program.  In such an instance, even though based in ORD during vacation bidding, she can submit a Buddy Bid to fly with a IAD Flight Attendant and the system (which evaluates base assignments as of January 1) will award the buddy bid to the Flight Attendants who will be seen as being in the same base.

However, while the system will allow the submission of buddy bids between Flight Attendants at different bases, the system will only award the buddy bid if the system recognizes both Flight Attendants being based in the same location.  Said another way, Flight Attendants in different bases will not be awarded a buddy bid outside of the exception for transferring Flight Attendants.