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Travel with Working Crew Option in employeeRes™

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OCT 29 - As we approach the upcoming holidays, we’ve recently started to receive some questions about the use of the “traveling with working crew” option in employeeRes™.



As we approach the upcoming holidays, we’ve recently started to receive some questions about the use of the “traveling with working crew” option in employeeRes™.


Under United’s Working Crewmember Pass Rider Policy, Flight Attendants and Pilots may accompany their eligible pass riders (enrolled friends, children, and parents) for boarding priority purposes on all flights where they are a working crewmember.


A working crewmember may not accompany buddy pass riders, which includes adult children using buddy ePasses, extended family buddies, and regular buddies except when specified by the company.  (Typically, this occurs around the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.)


If you have questions about how the traveling with working crew option works, contact your supervisor for clarification.