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Uniform Gender Expression Survey

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AUG 30 - It is a core value of AFA-CWA to promote economic and social justice for all workers through education and action. We are committed to the broadest employment of our Members regardless of age, color, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. AFA-CWA will continue to preserve and build upon the proud history of our struggles and accomplishments.

It is a core value of AFA-CWA to promote economic and social justice for all workers through education and action. We are committed to the broadest employment of our Members regardless of age, color, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. AFA-CWA will continue to preserve and build upon the proud history of our struggles and accomplishments.

In keeping with our mission statement, AFA-CWA has long partnered with PRIDE@Work and the most recent joint initiative involves conducting a Uniform Gender Expression Survey to hear directly from Members about their airline’s current uniform policy and how it affects them. We must understand the importance of gender expression and ensure our airlines provide equal opportunities to dress and present ourselves in ways that reflect who we are.

Companies should understand that this issue ultimately affects the bottom line. Disallowing Flight Attendants to dress and express themselves in ways that align with their gender is communicating that they are not valuable as employees. Providing this flexibility across carriers or the industry will send a signal to other industries that we support and advocate for all people. Further, this will impact not only the retention of current Flight Attendants but will also result in recruiting a wider range of skilled Flight Attendants to this industry.

It is important to note that movements across the industry are happening, and, in several cases, policies have been changed to align with more inclusive options. But, this issue affects everyone and must become an industry standard, not an exception.

We encourage everyone to participate in this survey to help us push for inclusive changes that support and empower all of our diverse and beautiful Members.