
Union Representation Rights Lawsuit

Written by Admin | Jun 25, 2021 5:00:00 AM
Jun 25 - AFA filed a lawsuit in Federal Court in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday in our ongoing effort to protect the representation rights of United Flight Attendants. Our lawsuit asserts that United has interfered with AFA’s legal duty to represent our Members in violation of federal law.

AFA filed a lawsuit in Federal Court in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday in our ongoing effort to protect the representational rights of United Flight Attendants. 

Our lawsuit asserts that United has interfered with AFA’s legal duty to represent our Members in violation of federal law.

This is an issue that has consequences that can potentially impact our representation not only at United but across our Union.

Because of the unique circumstances surrounding this lawsuit, we will refrain from any further comment on this subject until a decision is rendered by the court.