
United Adds Additional Flying in Response to Increased Travel Demand

Written by Admin | Nov 11, 2020 6:00:00 AM
United Airlines announced yesterday that the week of November 23 will be the busiest we’ve had since March of this year, as passengers book travel for the Thanksgiving holiday.  


United Airlines announced yesterday that the week of November 23 will be the busiest we’ve had since March of this year, as passengers book travel for the Thanksgiving holiday.  

The increase is coming in the form of late bookings which, when compared with last year, have increased by about 10%, giving United a welcome increase in demand.  As last-minute bookings increase United will add flights or substitute larger aircraft to match demand with capacity.

The outlook for December has improved as well.  United announced it will fly 52% of it’s domestic schedule, and 43% of it’s International schedule, in December.  This is again an increase over last year with demand for holiday travel driving the late bookings.