
United Announces Furlough

Written by Admin | Feb 3, 2021 6:00:00 AM
United announced an additional reduction in force that has the potential to impact 12,000 Flight Attendants. Flight Attendants with a system seniority number of 11,393 and junior, having a seniority date of September 2, 1998 or junior, are subject to Involuntary Furlough.

As we reported last week, United has announced an additional reduction in force that has the potential to impact 12,000 Flight Attendants. Flight Attendants with a system seniority number of 11,393 and junior, having a seniority date of September 2, 1998 or junior, are subject to Involuntary Furlough.  This date establishes the point of the System Seniority List above which Members are initially eligible for Voluntary Furlough and at which below, are potentially subject to Involuntary Furlough.

The next step in the process under Section 18 of our Contract is to offer Voluntary Furlough.  Keep in mind, every Flight Attendant above the line who is awarded a Voluntary Furlough moves the “line” down by one seniority number.  Voluntary Furlough will be offered for durations of 11- & 13-month periods.

If an insufficient number of Voluntary Furloughs are awarded. Furlough-Mitigation Partnerships (Section 16.A.2.c) will be awarded only to those who are above the “adjusted” seniority line discussed above, to further mitigate any need for Involuntary Furlough.  If you bid for and are awarded Voluntary Furlough, you will not be eligible to be awarded a partnership.  The duration of the partnership under the agreement is 13-months.

(UPDATED: February 6, 2021)




January 29

Voluntary Furlough and Partnership flying bids open

1500 Central Time

February 16

Voluntary Separation Leave (VSL) programs close

March SPCOLA bid closes
(SPCOLA Award will occur after the VSL closes)

2359 Central Time

0800 Central Time

February 22

Voluntary Furlough bids close

0800 Central Time

February 23

Voluntary Furloughs awarded

1700 Central Time

February 24

Partnership flying bids close

Partnership flying awarded

1200 (noon) Central Time

By 1700 Central Time

February 26

Notification of involuntary furloughs distributed


April 1

All furloughs (FM) partnerships become effective



To bid for a Voluntary Furlough and/or Furlough-Mitigation Partnership, log into CCS and select from the options under the “Leaves” menu. Additional information is available on our website.