
United Master Executive September 11th Remembrance Message

Written by Admin | Sep 11, 2024 9:00:00 AM

On the morning of September 11th, 2001, the skies went quiet as thousands of Americans waited for calls that never came. They stood in doorways watching for loved ones who would never again cross the threshold. As a nation, we held our breath, whispered prayers, and witnessed, in disbelief, that such evil could exist. On that day our way of life, our very freedom came under attack.

The heroism displayed that day by aviation’s first responders, as they gave their lives, is something that we will always carry with us. Their courage and selflessness in the face of unimaginable adversity is a testament to the ideals of our profession. Their story is ingrained in our history, and their names are forever in our hearts.

Our commitment to never forget is a commitment to never allow history to repeat itself. This promise reassures us that the sacrifices made that day were not in vain.

Just like the light of our nation, the light of our heroes will never diminish. We will always remember the families, the first responders, our friends, and our flying partners. Today and every day we honor the legacy of those lost to us.

We will never forget:

United Flight 175
Robert J. Fangman
Amy N. Jarret
Amy R. King
Kathryn LaBorie
Alfred G. Marchand
Michael C. Tarrou
Alicia N. Titus
Captain: Victor Saracini
First Officer: Michael Horrocks
Customer Service Representatives:
Marianne MacFarlane and Jesus Sanchez

United Flight 93
Lorraine G. Bay
Sandra Bradshaw
Wanda A. Green
CeeCee Lyles
Deborah Welsh
Captain: Jason Dahl
First Officer: Leroy Homer

American Flight 11
Barbara Arestegui
Jeffrey Collman
Sara Low
Karen Martin
Kathleen Nicosia
Betty Ong
Jean Roger
Madeline Sweeney
Dianne Snyder
Captain: John Ogonowski
First Officer: Thomas McGuinness
Customer Service Representative: Renee Newell


American Flight 77
Michele Heidenberger
Jennifer Lewis
Kenneth Lewis
Renee May
Captain: Charles Burlingame
First Officer: David Charlebois