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United MEC Acts to Postpone Virtual Fall 2020 Regular MEC Meeting

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Over the past several weeks, we have reported on the efforts of the United Master Executive Council to schedule the first in-person meeting since January of this year.

Over the past several weeks, we have reported on the efforts of the United Master Executive Council to schedule the first in-person meeting since January of this year.  In response to increasing instances of COVID-19 infections, the quarterly in-person meeting was cancelled and, in its place, a virtual meeting of the United Master Executive Council by Zoom™ was planned for next week Tuesday and Wednesday.

This past week, the United Master Executive Council acted to postpone the virtual MEC Meeting scheduled for next week until after the end of October (on a date to be determined by the United MEC) to provide time to learn more about any CARES Act extension and to address the necessary logistics for the virtual meeting. 

We recognize there are any number of questions about next steps all of which are fully dependent upon the outcome of Congressional action to extend the CARES Act. This information is crucial in planning for next steps and in providing for the representation of all of our Members. Once a new date for the virtual meeting is finalized, we will communicate that through our Union’s communication channels.