
United Providing New Masks for Employees

Written by Admin | Mar 5, 2021 6:00:00 AM
Mar 5 - United announced they will be distributing an additional supply of masks meant to “replace worn, lost or permanently soiled masks from the first round of distribution last year.”  If you need replacements, they come in a pack of 6 and will be available in DEN, EWR, IAD, IAH, LAX, ORD and SFO. 

In the March 3, 2021 edition of ISW, United announced they will be distributing an additional supply of masks meant to “replace worn, lost or permanently soiled masks from the first round of distribution last year.”  


If you need replacements, they come in a pack of 6 and will be available in DEN, EWR, IAD, IAH, LAX, ORD and SFO.