
United Safety Culture Survey – Closes July 26

Written by Admin | Jul 22, 2024 2:49:32 PM

United is conducting a voluntary safety survey that focuses on our safety culture and how safety is managed at the airline. Survey information was sent through company email last week and the survey will remain open until July 26.

The company has stated all responses are confidential and the survey is being administered by a third-party, Oliver Wyman Vector, who will analyze the responses, identify areas where improvement is needed, and make recommendations to United. As Safety Professionals and Aviation’s First Responders, we are well-positioned to provide our insight, perspective, and experiences into the health of the safety culture at United.

Through this survey we have a unique opportunity to further drive positive change through participation in this voluntary safety survey by providing our personal perceptions, how we feel about safety at United, and identify strengths and weaknesses in our safety culture. United’s “Safe to Say it” Policy, states “United will not tolerate any retaliation against employees who truthfully and respectfully speak their minds.”

The company did meet with the Union prior to launching the survey and reviewed the objectives with us. We plan to remain engaged with the company once the survey results have been analyzed to make recommendations and provide input on any actions plans that result from this survey.

One component of a healthy safety culture is reporting and communicating safety concerns. As a reminder, inadvertent violations of SOP and FAA Regulations should always be reported by filing an Inflight Safety Action Report (ISAP).