
United Updates Employee Mask Policy to Comply with Federal Law

Written by Admin | Feb 17, 2021 6:00:00 AM
Following further clarification from the TSA regarding airline employees, United has updated the employee mask policy in the Working Together Guidelines to reflect that you must wear a face mask at all times while on duty, on airport property, and onboard the aircraft to be compliant with the federal law. This is an update to the previous company policy. 

Following further clarification from the TSA regarding airline employees, United has updated the employee mask policy in the Working Together Guidelines to reflect the following:

You must wear a face mask at all times while on duty, on airport property, and onboard the aircraft to be compliant with the federal law. This is an update to the previous company policy. 

The following situations noted below are no longer exceptions and now require mask compliance.  

  • non-public facing areas like the Inflight base
  • making onboard announcements
  • during crew rest
  • other situations where you are socially distant from others

The following are exceptions to the federal law:

  • If wearing a mask inhibits your ability to perform emergency procedures, such as shouting commands in an evacuation, decompression scenarios when the flight attendant needs to don an oxygen mask, or in situations where PBEs are required.
  • When delivering individual customer briefing to a deaf or hard of hearing customer, for whom the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication.
  • While eating, drinking, or taking oral medication for brief periods, but your mask must be worn between bites and sips.