
United Updates Mask Policy

Written by Admin | Mar 5, 2021 6:00:00 AM
Mar 5 - United issued a Safety Alert that updated and replaced their February 16 mask policy announcement.  As it relates to Flight Attendants in these days of social media “tattling,” we want to be sure everyone is on the same page with expectation and compliance. 

This past Monday, United issued a Safety Alert that updated and replaced their February 16 mask policy announcement.  As it relates to Flight Attendants in these days of social media “tattling,” we want to be sure everyone is on the same page with expectation and compliance.  

Whether or not your personal beliefs differ, these are both the law and United policy, and we are required to comply.

All employees, including Flight Attendants, must always wear a face mask while on duty, on airport property and onboard the aircraft to be compliant with the law.  

There are no longer exceptions for:

  • Non-public facing areas like the Inflight Base
  • Making onboard announcements
  • During Crew Rest
  • Other situations where you are socially distant from others.

These situations previously may have been except, but you are now required to comply. Exemptions do include:

  • If wearing a mask inhibits your ability to perform emergency procedures (such as shouting commands, decompression, etc.)
  • When delivering an individual customer briefing to a deaf or hard of hearing customer
  • While eating, drinking or taking oral medications for brief periods, but your mask must be worn between bites and sips (the same as the passengers)

We recognize the challenges the update requires of us, but as Safety Professionals it is just another step along the recovery journey we are required to make.