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United’s Most Recent Voluntary Separation Package (VSP2)

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Details on the company’s Voluntary Separation Program (VSP2) for frontline employees were released on May 30, 2020.


Details on the company’s Voluntary Separation Program (VSP2) for frontline employees were released on May 30, 2020. Eligible Flight Attendants should have received a custom-tailored email providing an overview of the program with the associated links to the program details, FAQs, inquiry form and application form in Help Hub, along with other resources. 

The company’s VSP2 offer is highly personalized based on each individual Flight Attendant, her/his retirement eligibility, years of service and more. It is important to understand that you may receive an explanation of a program with options that differ from that of a flying partner who is of a different age with different record of company service.

It is extremely important for Flight Attendants to understand that this is a company sponsored program. Your Union was not consulted with, spoken to or involved in the development of this VSP2 offer. For this reason, Union representatives cannot direct you regarding the details or provide direction on your decision to participate.  We recommend that you take advantage of all available company resources to ensure you are fully informed prior to making a final decision. 

If you are considering taking advantage of any offer, be sure to read all the details provided to you in Help Hub as well as the detailed, dedicated communication that will be mailed to the homes of those eligible to participate in VSP2. These offers are a final decision to separate from the company. Flight Attendants who were offered a CARP service enhancement can expect to receive the details for their individual offer based on their age and years of service around June 5, 2020. 

The application window for United’s most recent Voluntary Separation Program for frontline employees closes at 23:59:59 US Central on Thursday, June 18, 2020.

Help Hub should be your go-to resource for any questions about the VSP.

Additional FAQs with answers to some of the most frequently asked questions will be available soon.