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Upcoming AFA Board of Directors Meeting

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MAY 3 - Your Master Executive Council (MEC) Officers, Local Executive Council (LEC) Presidents, and many other LEC Officers and Committee Chairs will be attending the 49th Annual AFA Board of Directors (BOD) meeting next week in Las Vegas, Nevada on May 13-15, 2022.

Your Master Executive Council (MEC) Officers, Local Executive Council (LEC) Presidents, and many other LEC Officers and Committee Chairs will be attending the 49th Annual AFA Board of Directors (BOD) meeting next week in Las Vegas, Nevada on May 13-15, 2022. This annual meeting is where AFA conducts the business of our Union at the International level of our organization.

Your LEC President represents you and the other members of your Local Council on the Board of Directors and will be casting votes on your behalf at the BOD meeting. Your MEC Officers serve in an ex-officio capacity on the BOD but do not have voting privileges.

A total of nine (9) Advance Agenda Items have been submitted for consideration by the Board at this meeting. Each Local Council has or will hold a Local Council meeting in advance of the BOD Meeting to discuss these agenda items and gain your feedback. You can find a list of these agenda items and complete language at AFA Board of Director’s Meeting.

In addition to the consideration of agenda items, AFA International Officer elections will also take place at this year’s BOD meeting. As your directly elected representative, your LEC President will be voting on your behalf for the offices of International President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer. 

If you have any questions or thoughts about the BOD meeting or the proposed AFA-CWA budget, please contact your Local Council President.