
Vaccination Requirements to International Destinations

Written by Admin | Jul 23, 2021 5:00:00 AM
Jul 23 - As previously reported, effective with the August 2021 bid month, crewmembers are required to be fully vaccinated and have their COVID-19 vaccination information documented in company systems to fly into certain International destinations. 

As previously reported, effective with the August 2021 bid month, crewmembers are required to be fully vaccinated and have their COVID-19 vaccination information documented in company systems in order to fly into certain International destinations. 

Enter your vaccination information and upload your CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card (or the International equivalent) from the “My Info Section” on Flying Together. 

Currently, the six (6) identified destinations include Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, India and Peru.  This list is evolving and subject to change.   The most up to date information about country specific requirements can be accessed using the follow path on Flying Together:

Flying Together > Our Airline > COVID-19 (Coronavirus) > Crew travel restrictions.

As this requirement becomes effective with the August 2021 schedule month, we want to ensure an awareness of how trip pairings for Flight Attendants who are not vaccinated or who have not uploaded vaccination information will be specifically addressed.  This includes pairings that overlap into August as well as those originating in the August schedule month.

If you have a trip that overlaps from July into the August bid month to a destination that requires a vaccination for your return flight, you will be removed from your pairing starting July 26, 2021, without pay protection and will have missed trip (MT) coding placed on your schedule. The MT will show from 0001 to 0002 on the day of the scheduled departure, so you will be able to pick up additional flying except over that one-minute period. The points or discipline typically associated with the missed trip (MT) coding will not be assessed.

If you have a trip in your August schedule to a destination requiring a vaccination, but do not have your vaccination information uploaded, or you have not met the mandatory 14-day waiting period prior to your scheduled flight, you will be removed from your pairing the calendar day before the pairing is scheduled to depart without pay protection and will have missed trip (MT) coding placed on your schedule. The MT will show from 0001 to 0002 on the day of the scheduled departure, so you will be able to pick up additional flying except over that one-minute period. For the August bid month, the points or discipline typically associated with the missed trip (MT) coding will not be assessed.

Prior to the start of the September 2021 bid process, this information will be reviewed and changes or updates to the process will be communicated in the September Bid Package cover letter.