There will be a virtual meeting of the United Master Executive Council May 29, 2020, 8am – 12Noon (CT). Due to the unforeseen effects of the COVID-19 pandemic impacting our ability to congregate in a central place, the system-wide shelter in place orders, and limited travel options, a MEC meeting will be conducted virtually, utilizing Zoom™.
There will be a virtual meeting of the United Master Executive Council May 29, 2020, 8am – 12Noon (CT). Due to the unforeseen effects of the COVID-19 pandemic impacting our ability to congregate in a central place, the system-wide shelter in place orders, and limited travel options, the MEC meeting will be conducted virtually, utilizing Zoom™.
By action of the United Master Executive Council, participation at the meeting will include the Members of the United Master Executive Council, elected Local Council Officers, including Council Representatives and all MEC Committee Members and AFA Staff Attorneys.
Advance Agenda items have been posted in the MEC Meetings section of