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Virtual Picket: FEB 13. Worldwide Flight Attendant Day of Action

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If you’re scheduled to work or won’t be able to make it to a picketing event in person, you can still participate in our Worldwide Day of Action. Help turn up the heat on social media and take part in our virtual picket! 

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Download, Screenshot, Print a Picket Sign

Download or screenshot your choice of picket sign and print it so you’ll have it with you on the day of the event.

 Joint Virtual Picket Signs

Full color PDF
Click here to download

United AFA Virtual Picket Signs

Full Color PDF
Click here to download

Full Color PDF
Click here to download

Full Color PDF
Click here to download

Full Color PDF
Click here to download

Full Color PDF
Click here to download

Step 2: Take a Supportive Selfie or Crewfie

Take a selfie with your sign, preferably in uniform! This is a great opportunity to involve your whole crew in the activity.

***Important Note***
Don’t take your selfie while on duty or on the aircraft. A great time to take a picture would be in the terminal after deplaning or upon arrival at your layover hotel.

Step 3: Post Your Picture on Social Media

While our informational picketing events are happening, post your picture on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram! Use hashtags #PayUsOrCHAOS #FlightAttendantsFightBack; tag or mention @afaunitedmec; and set your post to public so others can see your message.

Sample Posts

  • No matter the uniform we wear, Flight Attendants are fighting corporate greed. We deserve fair contracts now! #ContractNow #FlightAttendantsFightBack #PayUsOrChaos 
  • We're not just working to survive, we're working to thrive. Who do you want saving your life? #ContractNow for Flight Attendants! #FlightAttendantsFightBack #PayUsOrChaos 
  • The airline industry couldn't function without the hard work of Flight Attendants. Our days are longer, our rest is shorter and planes are fuller than ever! We need a #ContractNow. #FlightAttendantsFightBack
  • I walked the picket line today to fight for [[insert your own issue]]. Ready to do whatever it takes to push our careers forward! #FlightAttendantsFightBack #PayUsOrChaos