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We Applaud United’s Statement on the Integrity of Democratic Voting

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Apr 6-  Part of our Union’s job is to speak out when managements’ action or decisions do not coincide fully with our values as a labor Union, or that fail to support the priorities of our Membership. However, there are also times when United’s view aligns with that of AFA.

Part of our Union’s job is to speak out when managements’ action or decisions do not coincide fully with our values as a labor Union, or that fail to support the priorities of our Membership.  As a result of our advocacy, we can sometimes appear to be at odds with each other.  However, there are also times when United’s view aligns with that of AFA.  When that happens, we need to recognize that as well.

Yesterday, United tweeted their support for a democratic vote, where every vote is properly counted and condemned legislation “that infringes on the right to vote of fellow Americans..” and went so far as to say that such infringement “is wrong.”

We are a diverse workforce. Our cultures, education, religious & political beliefs and backgrounds create a unique group of people that collectively increase our strength and solidarity. We all know the importance of our vote and how that responsible civic action can shape our nation. Regardless of our political affiliations, viewpoints or background, every American has a right to our vote. Legislation was recently passed in one location, and similar legislation is being considered elsewhere, that many believe infringes on the right of our fellow Americans to vote. The catalyst for this legislation is based on unfounded claims that the integrity of our nation’s election system is riddled with widespread fraud. These claims have repeatedly been proven false.

United and AFA stand in agreement on the principle that the leaders of both parties should work together to protect the rights of eligible voters by ensuring fair and equitable access to voting and the ability to cast and record their ballot. Engaging Americans in our democratic process will ensure more Americans vote and have their voices heard.

For too long, many American citizens have not had an equal opportunity to cast their vote. Our history is replete with examples of us collectively fighting for the right to vote.  We must come together to shine light on this practice and bring it to a swift halt. Failure to do so risks the ability for all of us to participate in the democratic process.

We applaud United for taking a stand to support what many see as right and equitable, and to join a number of other corporations and organizations who have voiced their objection to this regressive legislation as well. A corporate conscience is a risk, but we agree in this case, one worth taking. Well done, United.  Well done!