
We have a Payroll Support Program Extension!

Written by Admin | Dec 21, 2020 6:00:00 AM
Today, Congress passed legislation that the President is expected to sign and that provides much needed assistance and relief to many Americans and airline workers in particular, with an extension of the Payroll Support Program. 

Today, Congress passed legislation that the President is expected to sign and that provides much needed assistance and relief to many Americans and airline workers in particular, with an extension of the Payroll Support Program. 

There are many details that still need to be worked out regarding how all the various components will fit together to bring our flying partners back to work while, at the same time, addressing the unique needs of all of our Flight Attendants given the circumstances of the ongoing pandemic.  AFA has had preliminary discussions with United management as the passage of the #ReliefNow deadline grew closer to establish a foundational platform upon which we can set our priorities, but timing, automation and contingencies still need to be ironed out in the next few days. 

It is reasonable to expect that you will have many questions and we will be working diligently to get those answers to you as quickly as we can this week.  Please make sure you get your facts from our Union and the company; and don’t rely on social media for information.

What we do know as of right now is the following:

  • The PSP brings back all voluntary and involuntary furloughed Flight Attendants
  • Due to recall requirements and procedures this will most likely, for bidding purposes, be effective for the February schedule month.
  • The PSP provides pay guarantee for Flight Attendants for the period of December 1, 2020 through March 31, 2021
  • The IVFMP LOA provides that upon signing of any PSP, they IVFMP program ends immediately and these Flight Attendants are returned to full-time status.
  • Similarly, the Furlough Mitigation Partnership Program will also be discontinued.

There will be a lot of information coming soon about the return to work from furlough status, and it’s critical you stay informed to consider all of your options and be sure not to miss any deadlines.  We understand that there may be some Flight Attendants on furlough status who have secured alternate employment or have other obligations and may wish not to return immediately.  As part of our preliminary discussions, we have been working with United to explore options to provide an opportunity to those who wish to continue to take time away from flying, but to also stay within the requirements of our Contract and to return as active Flight Attendants.

Many of you will have questions about timing, pay, qualifications, contractual processes and other issues.  While we’ve created the preliminary dialogue with management about issues affecting our Members, formal discussion and agreement couldn’t take place until the legislation was actually passed and signed.  We are engaged with management to get more detailed information for everyone who will be impacted by this welcome, but sudden change in status.

For tonight, know that the collective dedication and efforts of countless Flight Attendants has made this success happen, including each of you for contacting Congress repeatedly to demand action to save our jobs! More information will follow this week, so stay tuned