
Welcome! 2024 New Members

Written by Admin | Jan 12, 2024 8:39:00 PM

We are kicking off 2024 by welcoming the last classes from 2023 to the line. Our newest Members will join us at DEN, EWR, LAX, ORD, and GUM.

We are thrilled to welcome our flying partners on board, and we look forward to helping them as they begin this incredible career.

Please remember that these Flight Attendants are on probation. To ensure that they receive the most accurate information to support them, direct them to their AFA Local Council for assistance on Contractual issues.

If you are interested in supporting our newest Members, reach out to your local council to see how you can be a part of shaping their early careers as an AFA volunteer!

Welcome to the line 2346 and 2347!