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Welcome Class 2223!

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AUG 09 - We are excited to welcome our newest flying partners from class 2223 as part of our Flight Attendant community. Our newest flying partners will begin their careers at bases in BOS, EWR, IAD, IAH, and SFO.

We are excited to welcome our newest flying partners from class 2223 as part of our Flight Attendant community. Our newest flying partners will begin their careers at bases in BOS, EWR, IAD, IAH, and SFO.

We encourage you to welcome each of them as we work through the peak of the summer season, help them learn from your experience, and get them started on a path to success and adventure in their new career.

Please remember that our newest Members are on probation. To ensure that they receive the most accurate information to support them, direct them to their Local Council for assistance on Contractual issues.

And if you would like to become an AFA Buddy, reach out to your Local Council to learn how you can become part of this vital link to their success.