
Welcome to AFA Debrief!

Written by Admin | Jun 22, 2021 5:00:00 AM
Jun 22- Almost 20 years ago, we enhanced and supplemented our telephonic Dear AFA communications with AFA E-Lines, which was our first email “news” distribution platform.

Almost 20 years ago, we enhanced and supplemented our telephonic Dear AFA communications with AFA E-Lines, which was our first email “news” distribution platform.  Since that time E-Lines has grown as we have adapted in meeting the communication needs of our Membership when distributing the news of our Union.

This past Friday, we sent our final official edition of E-Lines, and today we launch the inaugural edition of AFA Debrief. The news and information distributed will be the same factual articles Flight Attendants need to be successful in our jobs, and the writing remains the same trusted and reliable source from our MEC Communications Committee.

What will be different will be the platform we will use to distribute AFA Debrief. The new style and formatting will help you identify information more pertinent to your specific circumstance while modernizing the format by which the information is presented to our Flight Attendant community.

We hope you are as excited as we are about this evolution of our Union’s communications.  Here’s what we want you to know:

  • The presentation of our AFA news articles will be much shorter. 
  •  They will include a graphic and a small (one paragraph) teaser to give you the basics. 
          o   If you want to read more on that story, click on either the graphic or the (read more) at the end of the teaser. 
  • Each story in AFA Debrief will have a full story article on our AFA website, and that’s what we link to, which will make searching our website for a specific story or information easier.
  • If it’s information we feel is important enough that you need to have full and immediate access to it, the article will be presented in its entirety.
  • When beneficial to our communications we may provide links to stories in the media, audio or media clips we feel are relevant to our profession and encourage you to review them.
  •  AFA Debrief will also continue to be posted in its entirety on our website, the same way we have always done with E-Lines.

Note: if you view Debrief on a desktop mail platform, you may need to click the “download pictures” box at the top to see our graphics.

And finally, at the end of every AFA Debrief, you will see the “Full Brief.” This is a link to a PDF document that contains the full text of all our stories, without any graphics, in one spot.  We trust this provides an alternative to those who wish to read our news off-line or prefer a more traditional text-only presentation.

We’ve put a lot of thought, effort and testing into what we’re sharing with you today and we are confident you will agree that it is a welcome new change for our Union’s communications.  E-Lines in its historic format has served us well for almost two decades and as we move forward in this next generation of communications we will build on that success. As Douglas Adams would say, “So long, and thanks for all the fish.”