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Women's History Month

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Throughout history, the contributions of women across the country have fortified the foundation of our nation. Women have come together to break down barriers, shatter glass ceilings, and raise the standard of living of those who walk behind them.

Women in the workplace create a brighter future for all because women lift up economies and drive change. Despite their profound contributions to our society, many of their stories have been overlooked or lost to history.

This year, Women's History Month focuses on women who advocate for equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Supporting Members and driving our Union forward are dozens of women in elected Officer and Committee positions volunteering in support of their flying partners. Together, these dedicated women have committed to sharing their time and talents, advocating for a brighter future for all Flight Attendants promoting our careers and profession.

Women's History Month not only offers a time to honor the contributions of those who came before us and those actively promoting our futures, but also serves as a call to action. It is a reminder that no matter how far we have come, there is still much work to be done in the fight for gender equity and equality in the workplace and the world.