As a result of a change to the automation and introduction of a manual work around process in February, Flight Attendants with a planned Vacation Pay Out or Fly Through will now be included in the month end adjustment process.
As a result of a change to the automation and introduction of a manual work around process in February, Flight Attendants with a planned Vacation Pay Out or Fly Through will now be included in the month end adjustment process.
Following the implementation of CMS, there was an automation issue that was preventing Lineholder Flight Attendants with an end of month conflict, in addition to a Vacation Fly Through or Pay Out prior to the bid, from being included in the adjustment process. This most recent update will include any lines with Vacation Fly Through or Pay Out in the regular adjustment process.
End of month adjustments are necessary when pairings in a Flight Attendant’s new month schedule conflict with pairings in the old month schedule. This happens either because trips physically overlap or the new month’s schedule creates a legality problem such that the two trips, one from the old month and one from the new month, cannot be legally flown in combination.
Additional information detailing the mechanism by which month to month line adjustments are handled can be found on and in Section 7.E. of our JCBA.
Please see the Adjustment Overview Guide for illustrations and details on the EOM process.