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Face Mask Mandatory Requirement Compliance Handling Procedures

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On May 6, 2020 United implemented a mandatory requirement forall passengers and front-line personnel,including Flight Attendants, pilots, customer service agents, and ramp service personnel, to wear a face covering/mask while in the airport or onboard the aircraft. 

MEC Safety Health and Security Committee

On May 6, 2020 United implemented a mandatory requirement forall passengers and front-line personnel,including Flight Attendants, pilots, customer service agents, and ramp service personnel, to wear a face covering/mask while in the airport or onboard the aircraft. 

Although the majority of passengers are complying with the required policy, there are instances where noncompliance has occurred. Beginning June 18, 2020, United has implemented the following internal travel restriction list for any passengers, including positive space and non-revenue pass riders, that do not comply with the face mask requirement.

Any passenger violating the policy who consequently is placed on the restricted list will lose her/his travel privileges on United for a period of time to be determined pending a comprehensive incident review.

Flight Attendants are encouraged to review the 
June 15, 2020 Safety Bulletinoutlining the newly established non-compliance procedure. The procedure is compiled of a three step de-escalation process that begins with a first, second and final handling approach to reporting the incident. 

Additional information regarding the 
reporting policyand can be found on Flying Together. Information on the Face Mask compliance can be located in the following publications.

Face Mask Compliance
Face Mask Conflicts – Contact Professional Standards