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Our country is in the midst of an exciting surge in the Labor Movement. Workers from Starbucks, Amazon, REI, Apple, and Delta (just to name a few) are coming together and organizing to demand better working conditions and compensation.

June 17, 2022

Dear Flying Partners,

Our country is in the midst of an exciting surge in the Labor Movement. Workers from Starbucks, Amazon, REI, Apple, and Delta (just to name a few) are coming together and organizing to demand better working conditions and compensation.

While the power of the Labor Movement is nothing new to Flight Attendants, we are getting caught up in the groundswell of support for labor and eagerly embracing the national momentum we’re collectively achieving.

Nowhere has this been more recently evident than your demands to United management that the conditions we are being forced to work under are unacceptable. The energy we’re witnessing externally has taken root at the foundation and core of our Union: You.

Collectively we have drawn a line with management saying the status quo is over. We have done our part, we have stepped up, been patient, and taken steps to “make it work.” It is now time for management to take ownership and FIX THEIR PROBLEMS.

We need support and tools to do our jobs, not excuses. We need results, not empty promises. The time for tolerating is done.

You called on our Union to amplify and focus your voice on demands for change from management. Enough is Enough!

Enough with:

·       Call Wait Times at the Crew Desk and Flight Attendant Support Team

·       Joint Contract not fully implemented to include piggybacking and midnight cut off

·       Layover hotel and quality issues

·       Reserve Pool Numbers that restrict trading and schedule flexibility

·       Rescheduling issues resulting from aircraft schedule changes

·       Catering Issues

·       Saying No to more Reciprocal Cabin Seat Agreements

·       Requiring Flight Attendants to attend CQ again in order to obtain A321 qualification

Recently, we asked that you take part in this fight and report your long call hold times and sign our letter to John Slater demanding change.  As a reminder, this letter campaign will close on Saturday, June 18, 2022, at 1159 CST.

In just two weeks you have signed over 8000 letters to John. It is an overwhelming show of support and a daunting message to management that it’s time for them to get their act together. If management tries to continue their current unacceptable level of support, they need to know, that we’re only just beginning.

Our Union is demonstrating first-hand the power of our Members and what we can accomplish when we work together towards a common goal. This is what solidarity looks like.

Management has noticed our resolve. One of the greatest powers of a Union has always been our ability to shine a light on what matters and put the necessary pressure on management to take care of their Flight Attendants. Together we will show them that doing the right thing is what needs to happen.

Action. Not excuses. It’s past time for change.

In Solidarity,


Ken Diaz
United Master Executive Council