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Guam Surplus Announcement

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Today United management made an announcement that will dramatically impact our Flight Attendant community and, in particular, our Members in Local Council 65 in Guam.



November 9, 2020                                                                  November 10, 2020

5:10 PM Central Time                                                            9:10 AM Guam


Today United management made an announcement that will dramatically impact our Flight Attendant community and, in particular, our Members in Local Council 65 in Guam.


Citing the continued impact of the COVID-19 and its impact on customer demand for travel on United’s entire route structure, including flights from Guam to Micronesia and Asia, today management announced a surplus of seventy-five (75) active and inactive Flight Attendants from the Guam domicile effective December 30, 2020.  This surplus will occur consistent with the requirements of Section 17.J. of our Contract.


Special COLA:

A Special COLA for a 10+-month period of time (December 20, 2020 through the end of October 2021) will be offered by Inflight Scheduling for GUM based Flight Attendants. The Special COLA includes part of the December schedule month, and 10 full months (January 2021 through October 2021). 


The number of Special COLAs awarded to Flight Attendants senior to those Flight Attendants subject to surplus, will reduce the number of Flight Attendants impacted by the surplus.


Flight Attendants impacted by the surplus, that is, subject to surplus, may participate in the Special COLA but will still need to participate in the surplus procedure and will be reassigned to their new base. If not offered the opportunity to return to GUM while on the Special COLA, these Flight Attendants will report to their new base location at the conclusion of the Special COLA. 


Under Section 17 of the Agreement, all Flight Attendants on the system, including GUM Flight Attendants, have an opportunity to bid for posted surplus vacancies as provided in Section 17.J.3. If interested, put your transfer request on file in CCS using the normal transfer screens.


These system transfers will be awarded on November 25 at 0800 CT and Flight Attendants must respond (accept or reject) no later than December 3 at 0800 HDT.


The effective date for the transfer will be for the January 2021 schedule month (December 30, 2020) Any non-GUM-based Flight Attendant who does not respond to their transfer award by the deadline established on the transfer award notification will be considered to have refused and will be governed by the restriction of Section 17.A.2.


On November 10 at 0800 CT, potential surplus vacancies for GUMSW will be posted. The vacancies will be filled in seniority order first by GUM Flight Attendants volunteering for surplus then by GUM Flight Attendants involuntarily surplus. 



Surplus Vacancies






























Surplus Timeline:


November 10

Special COLA for GUM opens

November 16 – 2359 HDT

Award Special COLA for GUM – Post on Flying Together

Now – November 25 at 0800 CT

Submit System Transfer requests in CCS

November 17 at 2359 HDT

GUMSW Surplus Bids Opens via CCS

November 24 at 2359 HDT

GUMSW Surplus Bid Closes

November 25 at 0800 CT

System Transfers Awarded

December 3 at 2359 HDT

System transfer award responses due (accept orreject).*

December 3 at 2359 HDT

GuamSurplus Bid Closes

December 4 at 1700 CT

GuamSurplus Award List posted in domiciles


*Lack of response by non-GUM-based flight attendants within period will be considered a refusal and will be governed by the three-month bid restriction of Section 17.A.2.




2021 vacations for all transferring and surplus Flight Attendants will be retained.


  1. GUM Special Ten (10) Month Special COLA
  2. GUM Notice of Surplus
  3. GUM Surplus Base Reduction FAQ
  4. GUM International Moving and Transfer Packet
  5. GUM December 2020 Domicile Seniority List
  6. GUM December 2020 10+ Month Special COLA Awards