
MEC OFFICER LETTER - Reducing Call Wait Times with a Focus on Us!

Written by Admin | Jun 3, 2022 5:00:00 AM
JUN 03 - As our efforts to support you in the operation continue, and to better support tracking of long call/chat wait times, we’ve developed a Call Wait Times reporting form that is designed to help you quickly and concisely report issues related to call/chat wait times.


June 3, 2022

Ladies and Gentlemen:

The events of the past several weeks have presented all of us with unimaginable challenges and frustration.

We continue to hear from you about your inability to conduct the basic daily functions related to our work.  Excessive call wait times to get through to Crew Scheduling and FAST to conduct routine tasks – calling off sick leave to return to schedule, to obtain staffing, to secure hotels to ensure rest, rescheduling after weather induced irregular operations, changes to Reserve assignments and the list goes on. And, today is only June 3rd and we are not even into the peak Summer schedule.

Over the course of the past several days, we have been engaged with United management in addressing as many of these issues as possible.  These issues, while multi-faceted, generally fall into two categories; one more immediately impacted by the current operation and the others falling into some future planning aspect.  For more detail information on our efforts to address these issues, refer to the June 3, 2022 edition of Debrief.

As our efforts to support you in the operation continue, and to better support tracking of long call/chat wait times, we’ve developed a Call Wait Times reporting form that is designed to help you quickly and concisely report issues related to call/chat wait times. 

It is time for management to Focus on Us. It is time for management to address these more recent and other outstanding issues that affect Flight Attendant quality of life and working conditions. As dedicated Flight Attendants, each of us consistently focuses on doing things that bring our passengers back. These efforts are clearly reflected in the Net Promotor Scores (NPS) and collectively, Flight Attendants have been recognized for our contribution.

It is important for each of you to have the opportunity to communicate your frustration, as well as your experience as a front-line employee. Many of you have asked how you can communicate your message that the company is falling short directly to senior Inflight leadership. We’ve developed a letter that you can sign to let them know how you feel about current quality of life and working conditions.

Join in solidarity and tell management to Focus on Us!  Completed letters will be collected and delivered by the MEC Officers directly to John Slater.

In Solidarity,

Ken Diaz

Adam Novish

Jeffrey Heisey


Vice President

Secretary Treasurer