
New Local Executive Council 22 Represents FLL-MCO-TPA

Written by Admin | Jun 1, 2023 5:00:00 AM
It is with great excitement and pride to share some wonderful news. Our Union is expanding its reach and influence by opening a new Local Council in Florida today, representing our bases in Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, and Tampa as Council 22.

It is with great excitement and pride to share some wonderful news. Our Union is expanding its reach and influence by opening a new Local Council in Florida today, representing our bases in Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, and Tampa as Council 22.

The establishment of our new Local Council signifies a significant milestone in our journey as an organization. It represents our commitment to better serve our members, enhance communication, and strengthen our collective voice. With this new Local Council, we aim to create a centralized source for our Florida bases that will foster a stronger sense of unity and empower each member to actively participate in helping to shape our Union's future while addressing the issues that are unique to these satellite bases.

Our AFA Executive Board has appointed an interim team of experienced and dedicated individuals all having prior Union experience to facilitate the work of the Local Council. Each of the interim officers brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to serve the collective group of Flight Attendants based at the three satellite bases. Whether you require assistance with workplace issues, want to explore educational opportunities, or seek guidance on matters related to benefits and our collective bargaining agreement, this established team will be there to provide guidance and support every step of the way.

In accordance with Article III.A.4. in our AFA Constitution & Bylaws, which makes the AFA Executive Board responsible to appoint temporary Local Council Officers, the following AFA Members in good standing have been appointed:

  •       AFA Local Council 22 Interim President – Todd Failla (
  •       AFA Local Council 22 Interim Vice President – Cameron Matthews (
  •       AFA Local Council 22 Interim Secretary – Randy Hatfield (

To mark the grand opening of this new Local Council, a Local Council 22 page has been added to our website at We invite you and your fellow Union members to join us in celebrating this significant achievement. A general e-mail has been established at

By coming together and fostering a strong sense of community, we can overcome challenges, negotiate better working conditions, and build a brighter future for all our members.

Please feel free to reach out to our new Local Council if you have any questions or require further information about our Local Council. We are here to address your concerns and ensure a seamless transition into this exciting new phase for our Union.