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One Hour Transaction Withdrawal is Not Applicable During Self-Adjustments

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End of month adjustments are necessary when a Flight Attendant’s new month schedule conflicts with the old month schedule.

JCBA Section 7.G.3 


End of month adjustments are necessary when a Flight Attendant’s new month schedule conflicts with the old month schedule. This happens either because trips physically overlap or the new month’s schedule creates a legality problem such that the two trips, one from the old month and one from the new month, cannot be legally flown in combination.

Section 7.E. of our JCBA provides the mechanism by which month to month line adjustments are handled and awards Flight Attendants several options to resolve and self-adjust any End of Month conflicts they may encounter. 

Flight Attendants utilizing the self-adjustment process are advised to use extra caution when selecting their adjustment pairings, as the 
language provided in Section 7.G.3, that permits Flight Attendants the ability to contact Scheduling within one (1) hour of a transaction to withdraw their selection, only applies to open time pairings and is not applicable to End of Month conflict self-adjustment pairings.


Note: With EOM adjustment pairings when a Flight Attendant picks up a trip during the adjustment window, she/he eliminates the coding in the line of flying which denotes an adjustment is necessary.  Once a Flight Attendant has placed the pairing on their line, there is no way to restore the adjustment coding to the line of flying. 

Flight Attendants seeking additional information on the EOM process’ are encouraged to review the Adjustment Overview Guide that provides illustrations and additional details.  For questions, contact your Local Council Representatives.