
Our September 27th Day of Action

Written by Admin | Sep 20, 2022 5:00:00 AM
SEP 20 - On this date, informational picketing will take place where we, as Members, will come together to educate the traveling public about the issues we face and simultaneously ensure management is aware of our Solidarity as it pertains to the issues we face.

There can be no denying the fact that the COVID pandemic created challenges for everyone in the airline industry and in the world communities where we fly.  During this time, Flight Attendants faced these challenges and presented the albeit “masked” face of our airline and by our presence, we instilled confidence in the traveling public.  Through all of our collective efforts, when either working or taking unpaid time off, we maneuvered through a global health crisis the likes of which we have never seen in the history of our airline.

Since that time, we’ve seen a management team making investments in aircraft orders, electric airplanes, terminal improvements, etc. yet we, as the face of our airline, the group that spends the most one on one time with passengers, are not perceiving the same investment is being made in those items that not only have value to us as a work group but that address our ability to do routine items and directly affect our quality of life.

Over the past several months, you have told your leadership directly that you have grown impatient of the promises to fix these problems.  You have told us you are tired of having to apologize for service failures and this is especially true when it is our collective perception that Flight Attendant priorities are not receiving the attention from management, we believe is commensurate with our contributions to the success of our airline.

We have made the sacrifices and we want these contributions to be recognized with more than just words.  And, you have asked for the opportunity to come together as a strong group of Flight Attendants to ensure that management is aware of your dissatisfaction as well as your expectation that they will respond constructively to your concerns and not unilaterally with solutions of their choosing.

We have heard you.  Over the course of the past several weeks we’ve been doing the preparatory work to provide the public venues where we can make our dissatisfaction known to the general public.  Our September 27th Day of Action is your opportunity to do just that. On this date, informational picketing will take place where we, as Members, will come together to educate the traveling public about the issues we face and simultaneously ensure management is aware of our Solidarity as it pertains to the issues we face.

Now, it’s your turn to ensure this message is delivered in a powerful way to management. Join us for our Day of Action on Tuesday, September 27, 2022, in the United stations across the world where there are Flight Attendant bases and where we will demand management collaborate with your Union leadership to find solutions to the problems affecting all of the parties involved.

Specific details have been confirmed and are posted on our website. A link to RSVP your attendance at the September 272022, Day of Action is now available from our website – look for the blue RSVP logo. As additional details are confirmed at locations across the system, we will provide additional updates. Contact your Local Council with any questions. 

If you can’t make it to this Day of Action but still want to help? We ask that you reach out to your Local Council to find out how you can assist in spreading awareness about this upcoming event.

In the meantime, we ask that you continue to share Day of Action information in your social media groups. Consider changing your profile picture to our  Day of Action icon picture from this article  and lastly, by no means the least, wear your AFA Union pin every trip you fly- It’s a visual reminder to management that we stand together!