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AFA Safety Supporting You

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Our Master Executive Council (MEC) Safety, Health and Security (SHS) Committee is a requirement under our Contract and has a significant role within our Union. Beyond the support provided directly to your Local Council SHS Committee, our representatives work with regulatory agencies and management to ensure regulatory compliance in striving for the safest workplace for United Flight Attendant.

The Committee’s advocacy for a safe workplace is directly supported by your robust reporting. In addition to our review of the reports you provide, our AFA MEC Safety, Health and Security Committee has defined roles as part of the review committees that are a component of the Inflight Safety Action Program (ISAP) and the Fatigue Risk Management Program (FRMP).

Your MEC Safety Committee also participates with AFA’s larger Air Health and Safety group at the International Office which incorporates other AFA carriers in a monthly round table venue.

While the meetings we’ve described are but a small representation of all the work your MEC Safety Committee takes part of, they by no means capture their commitment to the Membership and the overall goals of our greater Union.  Should you wish to understand their role in full, the AFA Constitution and Bylaws is an excellent place to start as a great resource.