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Resumption of Standard Attendance Policy for Non COVID-19 Illnesses

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On March 17, 2020 the United MEC Officers negotiated a Letter of Agreement (LOA) with the company which expanded sick leave and discipline protections for Flight Attendants directly affected by the COVID-19 virus. 

Effective Immediately – Resumption of Standard Attendance Policy for Non COVID-19 Illnesses

On March 17, 2020 the United MEC Officers negotiated a Letter of Agreement (LOA) with the company which expanded sick leave and discipline protections for Flight Attendants directly affected by the COVID-19 virus. 

Yesterday, June 11, 2020, United announced the standard attendance policy will resume, effective immediately for illnesses that are not COVID-19 related.  For these illnesses, the automatic removal of points will no longer occur.  The company will continue to apply the terms of the Letter of Agreement where the COVID-19 virus is suspected or involved.

Therefore, if you or a family member are diagnosed with COVID-19 or ordered by medical professional or a government official to self-quarantine, absence points will not be assessed. However, it is important to note, you will be required to provide documentation to support any absence and for the reduction in accessed points.

Flight Attendants are reminded that if, during a self-conducted required wellness checkyou register a thermometer read over 100.0°F; place yourself on sick leave as directed by the company and you will be covered under the provisions of the Letter of Agreement (LOA).

Additional information regarding COVID-19 and the details of the standard attendance policy can be found on